Natura® Stomahesive® Cut-to-Fit Skin Barrier and Urostomy Pouch Post-Operative/Surgical Kit – STERILE
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Kit includes:
• 1 sterile double-layer (Stomahesive® body-side, Durahesive® top side) skin barrier with cut-to-fit opening
• 1 sterile urostomy pouch (25.4 cm (10”) transparent with 1-sided comfort panel) with Accuseal® Swivel Tap
• 1 sterile Accuseal® night drainage adaptor
• 1 sterile low-pressure adaptor
Components of Natura® Cut-to-Fit Skin Barrier and Urostomy Pouch Surgical Post-Operative Kits: The double-layer skin barrier in the kit is not available in the retail market. Comparable skin barriers are in the chart below: