Introduction to Travel Scooters
Spring is here! Which means that the summer season is just around the corner as well. That means this is the perfect time to start thinking about one thing...scooters!!! More specifically travel scooters. Why a travel scooter? Whether a boat, plane, train, or car, back it down, toss it in and go; when you get to your destination, unfold it and go. In this quick article, I’ll be providing some information on what you should be thinking about when considering purchasing a travel scooter.
Lift it up
One main difference between a travel scooter and something like a full size luxury scooter is weight. Travel scooters are intended to be much lighter for the simple fact that you’ll most likely be taking the scooter in and out the car quite frequently. An example would be the iCruise scooter from Pride Mobility which comes in at about 46.5 lb with batteries, while the full size Wrangler scooter also from Pride Mobility comes in at 259.9 lb. As you can see the weight difference is quite substantial between the two models. With something like the wrangler you’re always going to have to take its heavy weight into account when loading it up for any long or short term trips. While a travel scooter being so much lighter is much more easy to manage in and out of the vehicle. At the end of the day if “light weight” is something you’re going to prioritize when making a purchase then a travel scooter should be near the top of your list.

To see Capital Medical’s collection travel scooters like the iCruise click here.
Break it down or Fold it up
Another piece of information to think about when selecting a travel scooter is, unlike other scooters, they have the ability to be a lot more compact. To add to this compactness, travel scooters either fold-up to become even more compact or break apart into more manageable components. Given that they are also lightweight, this ability allows them to be very portable. The ATTO by Moving Life is one such scooter that allows it to go from a drive mode to a trolley mode in quick sequence. This allows it to be easily stored in the vehicle or even in the home. If you would prefer not to put it into the trolley mode, it still has the ability to split into two parts like many other travel scooters and be stowed away in pieces.

As you can see the two main focal points for travel scooters come down to the weight of the scooter and how compact you need it to be for either the vehicle or home that you will be stowing it in . After you’ve narrowed down the options on that end, that's when it would be best to look at other basic options such as maneuverability, ground clearance, travel distance and accessories. Well I hope I’ve given you some food for thought that better helps with your scooter purchase decisions. Let’s get out and about and enjoy that scooter weather!!