CMS Education Articles — Salmeterol
Asthma: Stop making breathing harder for yourself!
Adult Asthma aerochamber Aerochamber2Go Allergens Anger Asthma Atrovent Beclomethasone Breathing BREO cat dander cool air Corticosteroid DPI Dry Powder Inhaler Dust Exercising Flovent Formoterol Ipratropium MDI Metered Dose Inhaler Montelukast Nebulizer pets Pollen prednisone Qvar respiratory care Salbutamol Saline Salmeterol Serevent Singulair Smoking Sonair ultrasonic Mesh Nebulizer Spacer Spiriva Stress Swelling Symbicort Tiotropium Ventolin Vios Nebulizer Zenhale

Stop making breathing harder for yourself, get an AeroChamber! What is Asthma? Asthma is a condition where the small airways in the lungs swell, narrow and increase mucus production leading to difficulty in breathing, exponentially increased exhalation time. It is often in conjunction with monophonic or polyphonic wheezing heard either by auscultation or by proximity. Are there different severities of Asthma? Yes. While for some Asthma can be a bit of a nuisance, for others it can mean the difference between life and death. Asthmatic bronchospasm frequency can progress and it can settle and be very well controlled...