CMS Education Articles
Infusion Feeding : What am I missing?
Abbott Boost Compleat Enteral feeding Essential Nutrients feeding formula Feeding Pump Feeding Set Feeding Syringe Gloucerna Liquid Hope Nestle Nutrition Nutritional shakes Parenteral Feeding Syringes tube feeding

By Omar Moulay, MD You know the basics of infusion feeding: The liquid or liquified solute (containing nutrients), Is administered over some period of the day or night ; Continuous, 24h all day, Intermittent, more natural, bolus, per need, or Cyclic, more practical, same time, same hour each day or each night Through the digestive tube (Enteral feeding) or through the veins (Parenteral feeding). It can be useful when... -the natural digestive access (ie: conscious control over mouth opening, chewing, swallowing, progression all away to the stomach, then through the Intestines), -or digestive function (ie: processing...
Male Incontinence : If you hate it you should put a Clamp on it!
Bard Cunningham Clamp Clamp Dribblestop™ Kit Flow Incontinence incontinence Incontinence Solutions male incontinence Pacey Cuff Ultra Stress Incontinence Total Incontinence Urge Incontinence URICLAK ® INCONTINENCE DEVICE Urination WIESNER Incontinence Clamp

By Omar MOULAY, MD Penile compression clamps (PCCs). They are urethral compression devices designed to minimize male urinary leakage while maintaining blood flow to the penis. PCCs are known to be an effective palliative modality for male urinary incontinence. Used to control stress incontinence or dribbling of urine, they offer an alternative to surgical approaches. Designed to be worn daily, they are more secure and less likely to leak than pads, allowing men the opportunity to participate in all types of vigorous activities. They are also a good money saver in the long run, compared to the constant use...
Can Pelvic Therapy Improve Incontinence? Find out what a trusted doctor said.
Female Incontinence Flow Incontinence incontinence Incontinence Solutions Pelvic Exercises Pelvic Floor Stimulator Post Partum Stress Incontinence TENS Total Incontinence Transvaginal Probe TransVaginal Stimulator Urge Incontinence

By Omar MOULAY Urinary Incontinence is a medical condition, mostly benign, with many variants and different treatment approaches. So, please get informed, but don’t read too much into it and consult your physician for evaluation and advice for appropriate diagnosis and management. After reminding simple facts about incontinence, we will show you why and how Pelvic therapy could mean your salvation. What? Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine. It means a person urinates when they do not want to. Control over the urinary sphincter is either lost or weakened. Who? Urinary incontinence is more common...
I'm Starting a Very Low Calorie Diet….Am I mad ?Or am I ?
Basics of weight loss how to lose weight How to shed weight Nutrition Nutritional shakes optifast Vanilla and Chocolate Optifast weight loss

By Omar MOULAY, MD Let's start with the public general consensus that we were all taught at one point which is a "one-size-fits-all" guide: “On average, women should have around 2,000 calories a day (8,400 kilojoules) and men should have around 2,500 calories a day (10,500 kilojoules). Most adults consume more calories than they need”. Hah… What a joke! The sad part about this statement is that this is still common practice. If we have narrow minds and just do as we are told, following this dietary recommendation will likely result in stacking on the pounds. ...
What is a Home Sleep Apnea Test? Is it right for me? How does funding work?

Sleep Apnea is one of the leading under diagnosed illnesses that correlate with many other symptoms we may perceive, or have been perceiving as normal for generations. Snoring? Bathroom breaks at night? easily irritable? Difficulty falling asleep? Higher glucose levels in the morning and pre-diabetic stages or diabetic? Have you gotten your sleep checked? Believe it or not, sleep is a crucial component in maintaining a hormone balance, normalized glucose, decreasing bathroom breaks, reducing blood pressure, treating diabetes, morning headaches, clenching and grinding of teeth and much, much more. Believe me when I say, there is nothing more frustrating...