CMS Education Articles
Relief from Fear of Failing CPAP compliance

Tips for Success with your Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy system
So you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, then you had to jump through many hoops to get the right prescription, but now that you are “all set-up” for CPAP therapy you find it is a big-pill to swallow, as one might say, especially with air being forced down your throat 8 hours a day.
Let’s face it, CPAP compliance can be difficult! Sleep Therapists know it is easier said than done, so they have shared some useful CPAP tips and tricks to help you have a better nights rest without cutting off the nose to spite the face, (or your long-term health).
Battling Embarrassment of Male Incontinence
incontinence male incontinence

You are not alone, Many Men Battle Incontinence.
Does your bladder seem to have a mind of its own? You’re not alone. Incontinence is common and treatable. About 3.4 million men in the U.S. have accidental leakage of urine, aka: Urinary Incontinence, (UI)1 and the Canadian Urinary Bladder Survey reports that 16% of Men and 33% of Women over the age of 40 have symptoms of UI, yet only 26% have mentioned the issue with their doctor2.
incontinence Maximum Absorbency Garments space diaper

Some of the History of Incontinence Products
Did you know Astronauts wear diapers? NASA calls them: Maximum Absorbency Garments (MAGs), Fecal Containment Systems, Disposable Absorption Containment Trunks (DACTs) or Moon diapers (1). The greater population became privy to the space pampers when news reported former Astronaut Lisa Nowak drove nearly 1,500 km (+900 mi) to attack an Air Force officer related in a tyrannical love triangle. According to reports, police stated that Nowak used the adult diaper to avoid pit stops on her jealous journey of revenge.
Incontinence Management, Steps to Take & Where to Find Help

Getting a Better Understanding of Incontinence
The Canadian Continence Foundation reports that “urinary incontinence, the involuntary loss of bladder control and general bladder weakness can have a dramatic impact on one’s life!” Dramatic indeed, if you or your loved one recently began to have wet accidents, especially while out in public. It may be comforting to know that this situation is not unique to individuals or age-specific groups. Urinary incontinence affects one out of 8 Canadians, and there are over 3.3 million Canadians experiencing some type of urinary incontinence.