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CMS Education Articles

Relax and let us teach you about Lift Chairs

Lift Chairs Sit to Stand

Relax and let us teach you about Lift Chairs

Intro to Lift Chairs, not your everyday Lazy Boy!

Believe it or not, lift chairs are becoming more of a common household piece of furniture these days. There is a lot of buzz in terms of inquiries on these chairs, but it often comes along with the question “Why do I need another Lazy Boy?”. Lucky for you... I am here to go over the lift chair basics and hopefully answer the following questions: What are they? What do they do? And, Why should I get one over a Lazy Boy?

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My Superpower? Bionic Knees! And I earned them!!

Arthroplasty Continuous Flow Cold Therapy Total Knee Surgery

My Superpower? Bionic Knees! And I earned them!!

Knowing what to Expect for Total Knee Replacement Recovery: The Rule of 3s

So your warranty ran out.  Those poor knees of yours have reached their manufacturer’s end of usability.  Good news, Colonel Steve Austin (congratulations if you get this reference and didn’t think WWE), you are eligible for a 3rd party upgrade!  And if you’re Canadian, Mr. James “Logan” Howlett (you’re a superstar if you got that one too), it’s government funded!!

But there is a catch - isn’t there always…  Getting a total knee arthroplasty (fancy word for replacement surgery) isn’t necessarily a painless upgrade.  Many, many, many people (doctors, therapists and clients) have said that it is best to think of your recovery in 3s.  3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months.  In this article, I’ll walk you through each 3, so that the recovery cost to get your superpowers doesn’t come as a surprise.

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Tips for a Happy Walker-Rollator!

maintainence Rollator Service walker

Tips for a Happy Walker-Rollator!

Walker-Rollator Preventative Maintenance Guide I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “happy wife, happy life.” Well the same goes for your Walker Rollator, if you keep it happy, you’ll be happy. This starts with what we call general rollator maintenance, that ideally should be done every 3 months. In the article, I’ll be providing you with a general checklist of things to look out for that’ll help prolong the lifespan of your rollator by a wide margin. Main Checkpoints   Brake check  Wheels Handles Back Rest Brakes  When it comes to the brake check, what you’re typically looking for is appropriate tension...

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Oxygen Equipment 101

Oxygen Oxygo Next Portable Oxygen Concentrators respiratory care

Oxygen Equipment 101

Gaining a better understanding of Home Oxygen Systems

Oxygen, we all need it for survival and some need it more than others because of compromised health.  I have had frequent queries regarding what is available for oxygen equipment and what is best for travelling.  Supplemental oxygen can come in three different categories, namely Compressed gas (Cylinders), Liquid form and Generated oxygen (Concentrators).  In any of these forms, the amount of time one would have before running out usually is dependent on the flowrate.  Please note that the amount of oxygen needed or flow rates are determined and assessed by your Physician or Health Care Professional.

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Rollators, Walkers, and Wheelchairs. OH MY!

Mobility Rollator Rollator Wheelchair Combo Wheelchair

Rollators, Walkers, and Wheelchairs. OH MY!

Pros and Cons of the Rollator/Transport chair combination devices you see all over the internet!

I see this dilemma all the time: customers are looking for the perfect mobility aid to fit their loved one’s needs who is having trouble walking or getting around, whether it is due to lack of stability, support, or balance. With the added bonus issue of them tiring easily and needing to rest or take a break, but not wanting to stop. This predicament often comes with stories like “we need something that (insert name) can use on their own when walking, and they also often need to be pushed around when they get tired. But we don’t want to lug 2 devices around all the time”. Followed by questions such as “can’t they walk holding onto the back of a wheelchair/transport chair when they aren’t using it?” or “can’t I just push them in their rollator when they get tired?”. The short answer is NO. Those two frequently used options are very unsafe, and safety should always be your #1 concern. Each of the traditional mobility aids are designed for one specific use, either walking with (Rollator or Walker) or sitting in (Transport Chair/Wheelchair), and when you use these devices outside of their designed parameters accidents and falls are more likely to occur. So what do you do?!

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